Shanti Mitra conducts monthly peace classes in three primary schools with grade 4-5 children. We have a syllabus for 2 years and a peace class manual for each year. Our aim for giving peace classes is to promote positive behavior and attitudes of the children and make them able to dream of and work forread more
Peace Education
Peace education is the process of acquiring the values, the knowledge and developing the attitudes, skills, and behaviors to live in harmony with oneself, with others, and with the natural environment. Shanti Mitra conducts peace classes in three primary schools with the garde 4 and 5 students of Mymensingh. Aims of that progam is to increase positive behavior and attitude of children, make children able to dream and inspire them to work for peaceful society in future. Shanti Mitra have made two years carriculam on peace eduaction for children. Shanti Mitra develops peace garden in each school and also provides regular peace workshop for parents & teachers.