On the 31st July 2018, Tuesday, at 4:30 pm a cultural program was held at Boisakhi Moncho with the slogan ‘Jago manus, jago manobota’ (Awake Human beings, Awake Humanity).
Under the Promoting and Protecting Human Rights of Minorities Project of PCC which implemented by Shanti Mitra, the adolescent girls from Mukto Bihango, Utjal Tara and Bramhoputra adolescent centers made a lively presentation of Jarigan, Role-play, songs, dance and poems-reciting on the subject of women rights and protection.
This program inspired lot of audience. A participant said `It’s a unique and a beautiful program. I am proud of being present here. But I am bit shy because sometimes I did harassment of girls. I really regret to remember this.
Shipom Masud write in his comment “It’s really nice initiative. The awareness is the one of most effective method against women violence. There should be more programs like this.
The program was concluded with the message to work actively against sexual harassment and violence of women.